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Wild About Education
We love our animals and know you do, too. Learn more about the amazing world of animals by reading the articles below.

Wild Nature Institute for Education
Check out these FREE resources for home or classroom!

Teacher's Prompt: Conservation
When you go on a safari here, you're helping animals thrive.

Horns & Antlers
What's the difference here? Why all the shapes and sizes?

Teacher's Prompt: Ostrich Eyelids
The ostrich's three eyelids are for more than just being creepy.

Teacher's Prompt: Longhorn
These cattle didn't come by their name on accident.

Teacher's Prompt: Climbing Aoudad
The aoudad is the daddy of all climbers. How's it do that?

Teacher's Prompt: Ratite Feathers
Ratites don't fly, but they can sure run. Do feathers matter?

Teacher's Prompt: Waterbuck Theory
Why do waterbucks have a white circle on their rumps?

Teacher's Guide: Antler Velvet
What antler velvet actually is may shock you!

Teacher's Guide: Vulnerable Giraffe
It’s Wildlife Writing Wednesday, and we’ve compiled some additional information for you as the instructor in case: you want to offer any...

Teacher's Prompt: Addax
The addax is critically endangered. Read here to find out why.

Teacher's Prompt: Wildebeests
Wildebeests have amazing lives to go with their amazing name.

Fancy Coats: STRIPES
Do stripes really have a reason to be there?

Fancy Coats: ONE OF A KIND
You've heard of stripes and spots. But what about both?!

Fancy Coats: SPOTS
Why do animals have spots? And why are they all so different?
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